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Showing posts with label Mystery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mystery. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Diisengin Hantu

Kali saya ceritakan pengalaman dihantuin ketika tinggal di Jakarta. Saya pertama pindah ke jakarta di tahun 1999 untuk berkerja sambil belajar. Saya tinggal di rumah bos yang besar dan dihuni sesama karyawan dan beberapa orang pembantu. Rumah tersebut merupakan gabungan tiga kavling menjadi satu rumah sehingga sangatlah besar. Di sebelah kanan ada garasi yang muat enam mobil dan satu pohon mangga besar yang tidak pernah berbuah. Di sebelah kiri ada garasi untuk satu mobil. Di lantai bawah ada tiga kamar dan di lantai atas ada dua kamar. Saya menempati kamar atas bersama Anto (nama samaran). Anto ini berasal dari Lampung dan suka koleksi barang-barang semi mistis. Persis depan kamar ditempatin oleh pembantu.

Kamar mandi di kamar atas lumayan besar, memiliki bak mandi dan masih mengunakan toilet jongkok dengan keramik biru gelap yang terlihat sudah lumayan tua. Suatu sore, ketika saya mandi, keisengan pertama pun terjadi.  Baru beberapa gayung saya siramkan ke badan, tiba-tiba terasa kok ada yang peluk dari belakang. Berat seperti terhimpit rasanya dan seketika itu kok jadi nggak nyaman, ya. Akhirnya saya sudahi mandinya.

Beberapa hari kemudian, teman sekamar saya pulang kampung, jadi saya sendiri di kamar dan saya pinjam playstation-nya. Sewaktu saya main game Final Fantasi 7 sampai sekitar jam satu subuh, mendadak ada suara cewe nangis. Tangisannya itu seperti orang nangis karena disiksa. Namun karena saya dasarnya tidak percaya hantu, saya kencangin volume TV. Ternyata suara tangisan semakin kencang dan pintu kamar saya seperti dicakar-cakar dari luar. Saya menjadi kesal dan mengambil sapu dan membuka pintu dengan cepat tapi ternyata tidak ada siapa-siapa. Game pun dilanjutkan tetapi suara yang sama kembali terdengar. Sempat terpikir kalau saya ini sedang diisengin oleh pembantu, namun ketika saya buka lagi pintunya dan dengan bergegas saya hampiri kamar pembantu, ternyata pintu mereka terkunci. Rasanya mustahi mereka bisa kabur secepat itu lalu mengunci pintunya. Saya lantas tidur.

Sehari setelah, itu barulah saya dengar cerita bahwa di rumah itu memang ada lima penghuni gaib. Saya dengarkan saja karena pada dasarnya memang saya tidak takut makhluk astral. 

Setelah sekian lama, pembantu di rumah menikah dan pindah, jadi saya pindah pun ke kamar dia. Kamar itu memang dicat baru, bahkan mebelnya pun diganti baru, tapi catnya hijau gelap yang gimana gitu. Kamar itu ada jendela yang langsung ke garasi kecil. Gangguan pun datang. Ketika lagi tidur sering berasa ditindih. Mata kita bisa melihat tapi tidak keluar suaranya ketika berteriak. Suatu ketika, sewaktu saya sedang main game computer, di jendela ada yang mengintip padahal tidak mungkin ada yang bisa lihat dari sisi luar jendela itu karena dari bawah ke atas itu sekitar empat meter tingginya. Awalnya saya cuekin tapi karena penasaran, saya buka jendelanya. Saat itu pula muncul sesosok gelap berupa siluet persis di depan jendela. Saya segera diam dan tutup lagi jendelanya, lalu langsung turun ke bawah dan bermain playstation bersama yang lain.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, saya pindah ke kamar bawah yang ukurannya besar dengan kamar mandi di dalam. Kamar itu dijadikan basecamp tempat bermain game, ngumpul dan kegiatan lainnya. Gangguan pun tetap terjadi tetapi karena sudah biasa, saya cuek-cuek saja. Kadang kita lagi main game, di belakang kita ada yang mondar-mandir. Sekali kita menoleh ke belakang, tidak terlihat ada siapa. Hal serupa pun dirasakan oleh mereka yang tinggal di rumah tersebut dan tamu-tamu yang menginap.

Berikut ini pengakuan mereka yang pernah digangguin:
1 . Pembantu mengaku melihat 5 sosok berbeda.
2. Satpam sering melihat cewek bergaun putih lagi duduk santai di salah satu cabang pohon mangga.
3. Kakak anto yang pernah ditindih akhirnya pindah malam-malam ke rumah saudara lain.
4. Karyawan lain yang sering lihat cewek bergaun putih turun-naik tangga (saya juga heran kenapa gaun putih, ya?).

Demikianlah pengalaman yang menakutkan di masa itu, tapi lucu kalo diingat lagi...

Ilustrasi digangguin penunggu.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Ancient Architecture - Advance Civilization - Beyond Human


I have never really written any stories or blog, because I love to talk more than typing. But this time, I shall do something different. ☺

It all began in my secondary school days, around 1991-1992. There was a school assignment, a group assignment. We all gathered at my friend's house, whose dad is a very religious person and collects many books. Most of the books are related to Muslim.

Out of curiosity, I picked the thickest book, with green color cover on it. What attracted me was the book title:  Hubungan antara Islam dan Segitiga Bermuda (The Link between Muslim and Bermuda Triangle). It is an extremely old book.

I started to read, and read, going through the content, and I was getting more excited and curious. After the group assignment completed, my friend's dad allowed me to bring his collection back and I started to read it everyday.

The book is really thick, and it will be too long for me to share everything, so the summary is Bermuda Triangle exists because of some vengeful souls. 

In America - ancient time, the white army would capture the blacks, and would throw them to the sea (the current Bermuda Triangle) - and feed them alive to the sharks. This caused the souls to be restless, hence the curse: whoever and whichever crosses by the Bermuda Triangle to disappear. The only person who could pass by the Bermuda Triangle (as mentioned on that book) was a priest, who saw the vengeful souls, kept his prayer and strong faith. He could not save the souls, but at least with his prayer, he calmed the souls and passed the Bermuda Triangle.

I was not fully convinced with this, as I am someone who seek the fact and evidence. I started to read more about the conspiracy theory books, go to warnet (warung internet) - the internet cafe which was Rp.8000 per hour (extremely expensive with Dial-Up speed in year 1996). 

Okay, above are just a "appetizer" to start my stories here. Now I will start with the main course. There are a lot and really a lot of mysteries on this planet. UFO & Aliens are common mysteries that everyone heard of. Let me just cover the Nazca Lines, The Time Traveler, and World Pyramid(s). 

1. Nazca Lines

A huge huge scratches on earth's land - Peru

Nazca Lines are only visible when we look from the top and only discovered by human when they are flying with plane and helicopter.

Archaeologists suggest the line has been there since 500 BC. Here are the Nazca Lines that have been discovered so far. The shapes could only be seen from the top of the sky.

Ancient Henky - Saying Hello

This picture was taken from helicopter's view. They called it the Astronauts.

This gets interesting, ain't it? How did it happen? Why is there a scratch on the earth surface with a sign of hands waving to the sky? And if it really is an astronaut waving hand, who is he communicating to?

Nazca lines mystery remains unsolved. One of my bucket list is to fly over with helicopter and wave back 😆 Who knows I am the person that they have been waiting to waive back 😋

2. The Time Traveler

Albert Einstein has confirmed the possibility of time travel. If we can travel faster than the speed of light, there will be a quantum of energy that we never know, and then we will time travel.

But it remains as a theory. Where are the evidences? There are many evidences that have been published, but some are hoax too. But now, I present to you the greatest mystery which happened in real life - year 2003.

andrew carlssin a time traveller who got busted for insider trading xx photos 6 Andrew Carlssin; a time traveller who got busted for insider trading (8 Photos)

Andrew Carlssin, who won USD 350 millions in 2 weeks with all straight wins on trading floor. He was later caught & investigated by police. He told the police, someone from year 2256 visited him and has gave him all future's information. Later, he was bailed by someone mysterious and both have vanished since then.

Where are they? Travel back to future?

3. World Pyramid(s)

Pyramids do not only exist in Egypt. But they are all over the world and are indeed connected.

The magnificent pyramid(s) have too many similarities - despite of the locations and cultural differences: the architecture and building structures, the golden mask for the death, the obelisk and also the animals and symbols from the time when the ancient civilizations worshipped the SUN.

If the similarities across the continents of all mentioned above with evidences might not convince you yet, what if I tell you that if you connect all these ancient structures (Easter Island Moai statues, the pyramids across globes), they'll line up a straight line which forms a perfect round of circle. For me, this is something that is definitely guided - by advanced civilization.

Below is for your shocking fact & references:

3.1 The list of ancient structures & mysteries - location on earth.

Pay attention on the To Axis point. The miles, are almost identical!!

The Perfect Line - when we see on top of the globe - on those ancient structures, it is linked and formed the famous The Great Circle

Okay, I guess some of you might feel sleepy on these conspiracy theories - which I strongly believe and craft in my DNA.

This is the end of my introduction for few world's mysteries. Many of us believe that God creates everything. But there is one thing that I also believe, which is an advance civilization that has influenced, supported and guided us since the past.

On my next story, probably I shall share about: The real MIB (Man In Black), The visitors from space and probably about Moai Statue in Easter Island.